Be Filled with Christ’s Spirit . . . Be Renewed

“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created; and You shall renew the face of the earth.”

A Stewardship Way of Life at St. Philip Neri

From the moment of our Baptism, we became living temples of Christ’s Spirit.  Yet, we often go through life inattentive to the gifts that God has given us.  It is so easy to become comfortable in our lives.  But the times in which we are living demands greatness from us.  Together, let us allow Him to renew us on our journey to Him.

At St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, we are embracing stewardship as a way of life – receiving the gifts God has given us and making a grateful return to Him by the way that we use these gifts.  This year’s Annual Stewardship Renewal, themed Return, Revive & Renew, is a time to recall that we have been filled with Christ’s Spirit and to be renewed in our walk with Him.  We, as Christian stewards. must ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we examine our lives.  Are we giving God the time He is asking of us in prayer?  Do we know the gifts He has graciously given us, and are we using them to glorify Him?  Are we attentive to how God wants us to spend our treasure?

Whether you are new to our parish or you have participated in past Renewals, God calls each of us to recommit to Him daily in every aspect of our lives.  Please take some time to read over the materials below and reflect on what God is asking of you at this point in your life.  Ask for the Spirit of Christ to open your minds and hearts to His will.  Ask to be renewed in your faith.  Ask to be set on fire with love of God.