Service & Outreach Ministries and Organizations

As Christians, we are called to be disciples of Jesus. St. Philip Neri service and outreach ministries and organizations reach out to people, both within the parish and in the larger community, who may be challenged by injustices or are feeling powerless to change the circumstances in their lives. By aiding others with their spiritual and material necessities, Catholics grow in conformance to Christ and ultimately receive His Divine Mercy. 

Baby Playgroup

Parents of children ages 0-35 months enjoy fellowship while the little ones play. Bringing parents and children together in the same room has been shown to build lasting relationships with other families. Enrich and entertain your kids while making friends! No sign-up is necessary.

Meets: First and Third Mondays of the month, 10:00am

Please contact: Jessica Linduff at

Bereavement Ministry and Support Group

At St. Philip Neri, we believe that in our faith community, no one should grieve alone. The Bereavement Ministry provides emotional support and practical help to parishioners and parish families going through the grieving process. Members of this ministry send cards, make calls,, and arrange visits with those who are grieving. The ministry also sponsors the Bereavement Support Group, whose objective is to fill the loneliness and manage the emotions of a changing lifestyle.

Meets: First and third Fridays of the month, 10:30 am

Please contact: Mary Villano at

Cancer Ministry

The Cancer Ministry provides spiritual, emotional, and practical support to parishioners who are either a current cancer patient, a caregiver for a cancer patient, or grieving the loss of a loved one due to cancer. The Cancer Ministry meets the first Wednesday of each month. We welcome new cancer patients, so they do not walk alone in their cancer journey, as well as current or former cancer patients, to minister to those starting or struggling with their cancer journey.

Meets: First Wednesday of the month, 7:00 pm

Please contact: Bill Barone at

Careers in Transition

Careers in Transition (CIT) is a mentoring and networking group for people who are in transition with their professional career. The group offers support, encouragement, advice, skill building and networking opportunities through mentors and guest speakers who have career search experience and expertise.

Meets: Second and fourth Monday of the month, 7:00 pm

Please contact: Jim Mertes at

Caring For Caregivers

Roughly one in six Americans are caregivers; virtually every one of us will care for a loved one at some point in our life. Though the experience can be rewarding, it’s not easy to juggle the challenges of one’s everyday life while caring for an aging, ill or disabled one, whether nearby or at a distance.

St. Philip Neri strives to offer support for caregivers by providing an understanding and empathetic environment for those fulfilling this role, to share the “highs” and “lows” with others on the same journey, and exchange resources.

Meets: Third Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm

Please contact: Lynn Thayer at

Habitat For Humanity

Established in 1988, Habitat for Humanity of York County is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating, and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. As a Faith Group Partner for Habitat for Humanity of York County, St. Philip Neri participates in several faith builds throughout the year to help local families in need of safe, affordable housing. These faith builds offer many volunteer opportunities. Watch the bulletin and our website for upcoming events.

Please contact:  Diane Cooper at

Haiti Ministry & World Hunger Drive

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with over 80% of the population living on less than $2.00 per day. Ongoing corruption, political instability, resurgent gang violence, illiteracy and barriers to education, food shortages, unemployment and vulnerability to natural disasters have kept most Haitians locked in a cycle of poverty for generations. This is not only raising the levels of hunger but is also leading to increased levels of severe child malnutrition. With this in mind, and living our mission to continue the ministry of Christ beyond our parish and local community, we have established a Haiti ministry that currently consists of the following:

Haiti Twinning Program

In 2021, St. Philip Neri Catholic Church established a partnership with St. Malachy Catholic Church in Brownsburg, IN in a Haiti Twinning Program to help the community of Port Margot in northern Haiti to make improvements in health care, water and education for the Port Margot community, pray for one another, and share concern for the needs of the parishes. To date, through your generous giving, St. Philip Neri has tithed $31,385.65 to support this mission.

Please contact Lynda Curry at


St. Philip Neri World Hunger Drive

2024 Marks the 3rd year of the St. Philip Neri World Hunger Drive (SPNWHD). The focus of our annual World Hunger Drive is to help feed the people of Haiti. To do this, we hold a Meal Packing Event every October. Each year, we pack in excess of 200,000 meals.  In partnership with the World Hunger Drive Ministry of St. Matthew Catholic Church in Charlotte, 90% of the meals packed are shipped to Haiti.  The remaining 10% is distributed locally.

Like the St. Philip Neri Italian Festival, our meal packing event takes more than a village of volunteers to be successful. In addition to packing meals, many other volunteer opportunities are available to support this important event. Our meal-packing event is a great way for individuals and families of all ages to work together, have fun, and fulfill our mission of serving our brothers and sisters in need, locally and around the world.

Please contact: Jen Fredenberg at

Click Here for details on the 2024 World Hunger Drive Meal Packing Event which is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th, 



Health and Wellness Ministry

The Health and Wellness Ministry offers resources that enable parishioners to be better stewards of the life that God has given to each of us. This team of committed professionals and interested health care advocates support and assist the congregation in achieving better health through education, monthly health checks, and other means.

Meets First Thursday of the month, 7:00 pm

Please contact: Lucille Taylor at

Homebound Ministry

Through home and hospital visits, Eucharistic Ministers provide the sick, elderly, and homebound with companionship and the Holy Eucharist. Volunteers live their faith by taking Christ to others while they fulfill a vital corporal work of mercy, visiting the sick.

Please contact: Karen Wiley at | Deacon Steve Rhodes at

Knights of Columbus Council 12366

The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic men’s fraternal organization in the world. Founded on four main principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism, the order has been called “the strong right arm of the Church,” and has been praised by popes, presidents and other world leaders, for support of the Church programs of evangelization and Catholic education, civic involvement, and aid to those in need. Here at St. Philip Neri, the Knights of Columbus help in many ways. They organize Red Cross blood drives, Habitat for Humanity projects, raise money for people with intellectual disabilities, and support many pro-life causes. As Catholic men, we are called to do more. The knights can help you answer that call.  They will connect you with opportunities to make an impact in your community, and they will help you to grow deeper in your faith.

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men who are at least 18 years of age.

Please contact: Bob Gesell at

Martha’s Meals Ministry

This ministry is devoted to providing lunches on Saturday mornings to shut-ins in the local community. The cooks prepare meals in the Parish Center kitchen, with drivers paired in twos for each individual delivery route. Volunteers, who typically serve one Saturday per month, are scheduled on a rotating basis.

A subset of Martha’s Meals – Martha’s Meals Cookies – provides freshly baked cookies to accompany the meals. Volunteers bake their choice of cookies once a month and drop off at the parish for distribution.

Please contact Jessica Tracy at

Pet Partners Ministry

The Pet Partners Ministry responds to God’s call to visit and comfort the sick and lonely. Pet owners and their dogs visit nursing homes, hospitals, childcare centers and hospice facilities. The dogs must be friendly, mild mannered, and have a gentle temperament. Volunteers that serve this ministry may be adults and teens. This ministry is also a service opportunity for families with children.

Please contact: Maggie Boyle at

Pinochle Group

The St. Philip Neri Pinochle Group offers fun and fellowship for parishioners and community residents who enjoy playing pinochle. If you are an experienced pinochle player or a beginner you are welcome to join us!  The group gathers on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.

Meets: Third Thursday of the month, 6:00 pm

Please contact: Joe Zocco at


The Polish Group

The members of this group, which all have Polish ancestral roots, seek fellowship and community. Members take part in lively discussions about ancestors, Polish culture and customs, and present-day Poland. They also enjoy traditional music and food during Christmas and Easter celebrations.

Meets: First Sunday of the month, 1:00 pm

Please contact: Kathy Van Slyke at

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The members of this ministry personally handknit or crochet prayer shawls for St. Philip Neri parishioners, participants in the Rachel Vineyard Retreats, and others in the community. Given to individuals in need of comfort and prayer, these handmade “gifts of love” provide a tangible symbol of the loving embrace of a praying community.

Meets: First Wednesday of the month, 10:00 am

Please contact: Elyse Sellers | Lisa Ann Sellers

Rosary Makers Guild

This ministry is devoted to helping our missions and others receive the gift of the rosary, thereby making their prayers more deeply centered in the Life of Christ. If you are interested in helping our missions and others receive the gift of the rosary, this ministry has a place for you. Training is required and all materials are provided.

Meets: Every Thursday at 10:00 am

Please contact: Elaine Bendrihem at

Rose Garden Guild

The St. Therese Rose Garden, which was developed by the St. Philip Neri Rose Garden Guild in 2016, beautifies the landscaping on our parish grounds while also offering parishioners a place to pray. Members offer their gifts of time and service to care for this garden that honors St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus.

Please contact: Pat Chesney at


Cub Scouts Pack 219 – Co-Ed, Kindergarten Through 5th Grade

Membership in Cub Scouts helps children grow into honorable young adults, The focus lies upon each participant’s experiences as respects religion, the outdoors, sports, citizenship and integrity. Growth, advancement and celebrations are achieved through activities and monthly meetings.

Cub Scout Pack 219 meets 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mondays of the month at 6:30 pm


BSA Troop 219 – Male Scouts, Ages 11-18

BSA Troop 219, chartered by St. Philip Neri Catholic Church in 2005, is open to all boys who have completed at least the fifth grade, have received their Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award, or are at least 11 years of age. This organization teaches young men about the outdoors, leadership and citizenship.

BSA Troop 219 meets every Monday at 7:00 pm


BSA Troop 220 – Female Scouts, Ages 11-18

BSA Troop 220 is a year-round program for girls that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge and responsibility to help them become the best versions of themselves. This organization teaches young women about the outdoors, leadership and citizenship.

BSA Troop 220 meets every Monday at 7:00 pm

Please contact: Steve Henry at


Singles 45+

The Single 45+ is a group of men and women 45 years of age and older, who are single – either divorced, widowed, or never married. They gather at least once a month for lectures and social events (trivia, game nights, dinners . . .), with the hope of developing new friendships and community within the church.

Meets: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm

Please contact: Judann Grumboski at

Sisters of Erin

The Sisters of Erin is open to all women of Irish descent, who are also of Catholic faith. Building upon the principals of friendship, unity and Christian charity, members foster the ideals, promote Irish culture, and embrace the history and traditions of Irish people.

Meets: Second Thursday of the month (except for July, August and December), at 7:00 pm

Please contact: Teresa Lyons at

Spirit of Caring and Sewing Ministry

This ministry provides for others in need by using their sewing skills. They provide baptismal stoles to the babies baptized at St. Philip Neri. They provide purses to be filled with personal hygiene products for young women in African countries and Pocket Prayer Quilts for Veterans, active military personnel and First Responders.

Meets: Quarterly, Monday or Tuesday mornings, 10:00 am

Please contact: Sylvia Panicara at

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a worldwide organization for Catholic adults that desire to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbors in need. Members, who grow spiritually during participation in the organization’s efforts, provide food, clothing, financial assistance and spiritual support to the needy, aged and/or lonely individuals or families that are facing a desperate situation. All work is done on a confidential basis and iin a manner that upholds the dignity of those in need.

Meets: Thursdays once a month, 7:00 pm

Please contact: Dann Dunn at


Take Them A meal Ministry

At times, life can make it a challenge to prepare meals for your family. Welcoming a newborn, dealing with an illness or surgery, or living with a loss sometimes presents a need this ministry can serve by preparing and delivering meals.

Please contact: Catherine Johannesmeyer at


This affiliate of Toastmasters International, a world leader in communication and leadership development, provides parishioners with a forum to learn and practice communication skills such as public speaking. Members, through the offered programs, become more effective in serving God, the Church, their family, and the community. Additional information is available at

Meets Second and Fourth Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm

Please contact: Rich Couture at

Wise Owls

This group, which brings together members of our parish age 55 and above, focuses on fellowship and companionship. Our motto of “Make Memories, Spread Happy” explains our goal of providing an atmosphere of congeniality, where those of like interests can get to know one another and spread the sense of community.

Please contact: Julie Ross at


Women’s Group

The St. Philip Neri Women’s Group, which is open to all interested women of the parish, actively engages women in a shared spiritual and social life. The members use their God-given talents to serve in the community and raise money for selected charities.

Meets: Third Tuesday of the month, 10:30 am

Please contact: Christine Boatwright at

Young Adults Ministry

The St. Philip Neri Young Adults Ministry provides young adults (ages 18-35), single or married, opportunities to grow their faith and be active in our St. Philip Neri community through spiritual, service and social activities. We welcome all young adults, members and non-members of St. Philip Neri, to join us for our events.

Meets: Schedule varies – Information about upcoming events can be found on Instagram @spnyoungadultsministry

Please contact: Mary Caddell at