St. Philip Neri Catholic Church

Coming Up at St. Philip Neri

Lenten Fish Fry

Stations of the Cross

Day of Reconciliation

Parish Lenten Retreat

Please Join Us for the Parish Lenten Retreat ~ Pilgrims of Hope ~ with Father Jamie E Robledo, PSS

Saturday, March 8 | 9:30 am to 12:00 pm | Parish Center

All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.


What is a Jubilee Year?

A jubilee year is a special year of grace and celebration, celebrated since biblical times. In the Catholic Church, jubilee years usually occur every 25 years. This Jubilee Year Year – which runs from Dec 24, 2024 to Dec 23, 2025 – was announced by Pope Francis in a papal bull entitled “Spes non confundit” (“Hope does not disappoint,” from Romans 5:5). The theme for the year is “Pilgrims of Hope” and is intended to promote peacebuilding and outreach through prayer, pilgrimage, reconciliation and forgiveness.


For many years, St. Philip Neri Catholic Church has strongly supported those parishioners that have their children educated in Catholic schools.  We believe that we share in the teaching mission of Christ, and that Catholic education is an integral part of faith formation of our parish’s mission.  As such, we are called to pass on our faith to another generation of God’s children and those who will come after us, and believe Catholic education is the responsibility of the entire parish community. In our continuing effort to support Catholic education, we are pleased to offer Financial Assistance for Catholic Education, F.A.C.E., a Catholic school subsidy to partially offset tuition costs for qualifying families.

Living Your Strengths Workshop

Embrace who God created you to be!