Planning Your Funeral Service

The fundamental benefits of planning a funeral service in advance are threefold: peace of mind that comes with knowing that your wishes have been properly communicated, relief that the details are arranged, and the comfort of knowing your family will not have to make funeral arrangement decisions during the difficult time of their initial grief.

If you would like to pre-plan your funeral service or have questions on how to go about doing so, contact Karen Wiley, Care Coordinator at or 803-548-7282 Ext 225.

Funeral Reception Ministry

This ministry provides comfort and compassion to the family and friends of deceased parishioners by coordinating light meals and refreshments for receptions after Funeral Masses. Volunteers prepare food, lay out catered food, set up, serve and clean up after the receptions.

Please contact: Rudi Buechlein at

Bereavement Ministry & Support Group

At St. Philip Neri, we believe that n our faith community, no one should grieve alone. The Bereavement Ministry provides emotional support and practical help to parishioners and parish families going through the grieving process. Members of this ministry send cards, make calls, and arrange visits with those who are grieving. The ministry also sponsors the Bereavement Support Group, whose objective is to fill the loneliness and manage the emotions of a changing lifestyle.

Please contact: Mary Villano at