“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

Remember . . . it’s not about how much we give but the heart behind the giving. Let us give generously today and always.

As Christians, we are called to develop our God-given gifts and return a portion of them back to God through generously sharing our spiritual and material gifts for the benefit of others. We are intentional in sharing our treasure, and we strive to give joyfully in proportion to what we have been given. There are multiple ways of giving to your parish

Giving Options

Online Giving

For your convenience, St. Philip Neri offers a simple and safe method of making offertory contributions via automatic payment for your checking or credit card account through our automated payment program Vanco.

Weekly Envelopes

Envelopes are mailed bi-monthly to every registered household in the parish.

Online Automatic Bill Pay

Contributions are initiated by you through your personal banking bill-pay service. Please remember to reference your parishioner envelope number and desired fund on the check.

Gifts of Stock or Securities

St. Philip Neri accepts donations of appreciated stock or securities. This method of giving may have tax benefits for you. As always, please contact your tax and financial/investment advisor to discuss specific tax implications.

Gifts of Life Insurance

Do not cancel life insurance that you do not need. By naming St. Philip Neri Catholic Church as beneficiary, you will provide lasting financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well. As always, please contact your tax and financial/investment advisor to discuss specific tax implications.

Required Minimum Distribution

If you qualify, contributions made through your IRA to fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution may provide you a tax savings. It’s a convenient and smart option for supporting the work of the Church. For detailed information, please contact your tax or investment consultant.

Remember St. Philip Neri in Your Will

Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Philip Neri, Fort Mill, SC the sum of $__________or ______ Percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works.”




Online Giving

For your convenience, St. Philip Neri offers a simple and safe method of making offertory contributions via automatic payment from your checking or credit card account through our automated payment program Vanco. It’s simple and easy to participate in. Options include single or recurring donations to a variety of funds in any amount desired. Vanco allows you to use debit/credit cards as well as checking/savings accounts. You will be able to securely access and make changes to your account anytime online, by calling Vanco directly or by calling the Parish Office. Click here to give a single gift or easily schedule recurring giving.