Do you ever ask yourself:

  • Who am I?
  • Do you struggle with what God’s plan for your life is?
  • Why do I love doing some things and avoid doing others?
  • Do you feel disconnected from your Church Lately?
  • Are you a passionate parishioner who wants to become even more involved and be an inspiration to others?

More than half of churchgoers report that they don’t get to do what they do best in their parishes. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Living Your Strengths is a ministry tool designed to help adults maximize their God-given talents in all aspects of life – personal, professional and spiritual. Based on more than 50 years of scientific research, Living Your Strengths will help you to identify and strengthen your God-given talents and to develop the potential hidden deep within you.

God expects nothing more from you than to live the life for which you were created. He wants you to be yourself!

Embrace who God created you to be!

At St. Philip Neri, we use a strengths-based approach to stewardship of talent, by offering adult parishioners the opportunity to attend the Living Your Strengths workshop series. This series helps our parishioners identify then contribute a wide variety of talents and skills which make our parish the wonderful community it is.

The Living Your Strengths (LYS) workshop series will help you:

  • Identify your top 5 God-given talents
  • Recognize the value of your talents
  • Use your talents for personal growth & service to others
  • Develop strength-based community
  • Learn how to form complementary partnerships
  • Improve your relationship with others

Living Your Strengths Workshop series and what it involves

Talent Assessment – The process begins with an online questionnaire called Clifton Strengths Talent Assessment. By taking the assessment, you obtain a list of your Top 5 God-given Strengths and are ready to participate in the Living Your Strengths workshop series.

The Initial LYS Workshop provides you with the opportunity to explore your Top 5 God-given Strengths and learn how to use these in your life and to better understand others. These workshops are offered on a quarterly basis. Here are the LYS Workshops that are coming up:

Saturday, January 3rd, 2025: 8:30 am – 2:00 pm (includes lunch)

Saturday, May 10th, 2025: 8:30 am – 2:00 pm (includes lunch)

LYS Quarterly Follow Up Meetings – Each quarter, we provide all parishioners who have completed the initial LYS workshop the opportunity to come together to further their individual talents and learn more about the ministry needs of the church.

Cost of Course $25/person (portion of cost is subsidized by St. Philip Neri), and will cover the following:

  • A copy of Living Your Strengths book
  • Cost of taking Strengths Finder Assessment
  • Coffee/Lunch (Saturday Workshop)