The Liturgical, Prayer and Worship Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
Our Liturgical Ministries offer parishioners the opportunity to fulfill a special role in Eucharistic celebrations during daily and weekend Masses and other liturgical events. These roles, which may be either visible or behind-the-scenes, are extremely important to the reverent and orderly celebration of the Mass. Help is always needed, and we gratefully welcome parishioners to become more involved in the Liturgical Ministries that serve the St. Philip Neri Church community.
Acolyte Ministry
This ministry takes on a special role assisting the priest, deacon, and other ministers at Mass, and as needed with processions, blessings, and other liturgical functions. Adult parishioners, teens and younger experienced Altar Servers who possess the maturity required to respectfully and reverently serve on the Altar are welcome to serve as an Acolyte. This ministry is highly encouraged for men and boys that are discerning a call to the priesthood or the diaconate. There is no better place to nurture that call than our Lord’s altar. Complete training, as well as cassock and surplice will be provided.
Please contact: Justin Barraco at
Altar Linens & Purificators Ministry
This ministry cares for the sacred linens on a rotating schedule. Training is provided on how to care for these special linens that contain the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This ministry is made up of team members who, behind the scenes in their own homes, reverently launder and care for the purificators and corporals used on the altar at Mass. Please contact Catherine Johannesmeyer at
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest and deacon during Mass as needed with processions, blessings, rituals and readings. This ministry is open to adults as well as children that have made their First Holy Communion and completed the third grade. Altar Servers must possess the maturity required to respectfully serve on the altar and assist the priest and deacon. Orientation and training are provided, with attendance at one annual meeting required. Please contact Angela Behrmann at
Eucharistic Ministers
This ministry is open to any devout, practicing Catholic parishioner who is in full communion with the Catholic Church and has received the sacrament of Confirmation. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be at least 16 years of age, be knowledgeable about the mystery of the Eucharist and reverent of the duty and privilege that they perform. Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in the distribution of the Eucharist at a Mass of their choice and help by taking Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes or in hospitals. Attendance at orientation and training is required. Please contact Christine Charlonis at
Gift Bearers Ministry
The honor of being a gift bearer requires no special skill or permanent ministerial duty yet is a beautiful and significant part of the Mass performed by lay people. The gifts of bread and wine, along with our weekly offering are brought to the altar at each Mass on the weekend and Holy Days. The gifts represent the offering of ourselves to our Heavenly Father. Any family, group or individual parishioner may volunteer for this ministry. All are welcome and invited to participate. Please contact Ruth Niederhuth at
Lectors Ministry
Lectors assist in the Mass as they proclaim the Word of God during the first two Scripture Readings. This ministry is open to adults or youths who are articulate in their speech and pronunciations, have a clear voice and feel comfortable speaking in front of the congregation. Orientation and training are required. Please contact James Hanlon at
Liturgical Environment Ministry
The Liturgical Environment Ministry helps to create and preserve a prayerful and welcoming environment for worship. This includes arranging flowers and other adornments that tie into the key times of the liturgical calendar and seasons of the calendar year including Thanksgiving, Lent, Pentecost, Advent, and Easter. Please contact Diane DeSena at
Nursery Ministry
The nursery is provided during the 9:30 am and 11:30 am Sunday Masses for children between the ages of 15 months and 5 years. Please contact Carrie Seekings at
Sacristans Ministry
This ministry is open to all adults and teens interested in administering several important works before and after the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Responsibilities include preparing the altar and credence table before Mass and gathering the vessels necessary for the sacrifice of the Mass. After Mass, sacristans are responsible for cleaning the sacred vessels and utensils that come in direct contact with the Blessed Sacrament and returning all items to their proper place. Please contact Corin Hann at
Sound & Video Board Operators
This ministry is open to all adults and teens interested in operating the soundboard and video systems during the Mass to enhance the worship experience. Orientation and training are required. Please contact Lucas Guatura at
Music Ministries at Saint Philip Neri
Members of the Music Ministries proclaim and share the Word of God in song by participating in various music-related efforts at St. Philip Neri Church. Individuals, who give of their time to offer their God-given musical talents, foster and nurture participation within the worshiping community during weekend liturgies and other special services.
Our cantors, who lead the congregation’s prayer possible through song at each celebration of the Eucharist, are a vital part of the Mass. They assist the assembly as necessary, such as leading the proclamation of the responsorial psalm, the Gospel acclamation, and other liturgical songs. Cantors must have a strong singing voice, the ability to encourage assembly participation in the liturgy, and a dedication to the ministry of music. Anyone interested in cantoring will have a brief audition with the Music Director. While cantors are encouraged to join the choir, it is not required.
Mass Choir
This choir sings every Sunday at the 9:30 am Mass, 7:00 pm Holy Days and special liturgies and programs. Participants must be committed, enjoy singing, and recognize its importance to the celebration of the Eucharist. Rehearsals take place every Thursday at 6:30 pm in the choir room on the lower level of the church. Time commitment: 3 hours weekly – 1.5 hours for rehearsal and 1.5 hours to sing at Mass (which includes arriving 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass).
Lifenotes Ensemble
This contemporary ensemble leads the music at the Life Teen Mass that is celebrated weekly on Sunday at 5:30 pm. Rehearsals are held on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm. Time commitment: 2.5 hours weekly (1 hour for rehearsal; 1.5 hours to sing at Mass). Additional time for holy days and special liturgies.
Rejoice Youth Sing and Ring Choir
This choir, open to young people grades 4 to 9, is an uplifting and positive way to introduce younger parishioners to the church choir. Your child will strengthen his or her relationship with Jesus through music. This choir sings and plays hand chimes about once every 6 weeks. rehearsals are held on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the choir room on the lower level of the church. Time commitment: 1 hour weekly for rehearsal. On weeks we sing at Mass, an additional 1.5 hours is customary (which includes arriving 30 minutes prior to the start of mass for warm-up). Additional time may be needed for holy days and special liturgies.
Consolation Choir
The consolation choir, which aids the assemblies at funeral liturgies, meets briefly before the scheduled funeral Mass time. This choir, which is open to anyone who is available during the day, is usually notified on short notice when their participation is needed.
Handbell Ensemble
This ensemble performs at select regular Masses and at special liturgies and services. The ability to read music or prior handbell experience is helpful, but not a requirement. The ensemble meets every Tuesday at 7:00 pm for rehearsal in the Choir room on the lower level of the church. Time commitment: 1.5 hours weekly for rehearsal. on weeks we play at Mass, an additional 1.75 hours is customary (which includes arriving 45 minutes prior to the start of Mass for set up). Additional time may be needed for holy days and special liturgies.
Brass Ensemble and Instrumental Soloists
These ensembles accompany the liturgy on an as-needed basis, with rehearsals scheduled by appointment. Duo, trio, quartet and quintet ensembles are formed as needed. Woodwind and string players are needed throughout the year as well.
To Learn More About the St. Philip Neri Music Ministries
To learn more about our Music Ministries and how to participate, please contact Linda Liberty at
To Learn more about our Lifenotes Ensemble and how to participate, please contact Zinoral Bronola at
Prayer Ministries
The St. Philip Neri Prayer Ministries invite parishioners to raise their hearts and minds to God in prayer and enrich their spiritual lives. They support individuals on their journeys to the fullness of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They are designed to build a vibrant faith community of disciples who are equipped to proclaim and share the Good News of Christ.
Ask-Seek-Knock Prayer Ministry
Believing that the voice of God never ceases in our lives, and that the Holy Spirit is our great Comforter, the members of the Ask-Seek-Knock Prayer Ministry commit themselves to developing not only their own personal prayer lives, but to bear the burdens of the parish community and beyond through prayer. If there is someone or something in your heart in need of prayer, please let us know, by sending your prayer request through email. Prayer requests may be anonymous, and all requests are confidential. As they are received, prayer request are shared via email by the minister leader. Intercessors then either prayer for those people immediately or involve them in their daily prayer time. There is always a need for people willing to spend time in prayer for the needs of others. To volunteer or submit prayer requests, please contact Angela Barius at
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist (the Blessed Sacrament) is the process of coming before Christ in His entirety; His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity to contemplate His awesomeness and to lovingly adore Him. When we do this, we are in His Real Presence, able to speak with Him in our mind and our hearts.
Pray as you like. Reading and meditation lead to communion with the Lord or just bask in the light of the Eucharist. Come before the Blessed Sacrament to share your pure love. Allow Christ to work on you and through you. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make reparation.
Adoration is held each week in the Adoration Chapel beginning at 10:00 am Monday through Saturday at 4:00 pm. Click here to sign up for one or more hours. Contact for additional information.
Joy In The Spirit
Joy in the Spirit is a Catholic charismatic prayer group. Members seek to experience a richer, deeper and more personal experience of the Holy Spirit, through regular praise and worship meetings. Dedicated to encouraging and praying for one another, members also strive to discover (or rediscover) and develop their personal charisms and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Life in the Spirit Seminar, during which time one is introduced to a greater feeling of the Holy Spirit, is offered annually.
Meets: 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month, 7:00 pm
Please contact: Noel and Letty Trillana at
Legion of Mary
The objective of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members, developed by prayer and active cooperation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. Members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, and through collaboration in apostolic and missionary undertakings sponsored by the parish. Members of this ministry also show their devotion to the Blessed Mother by making Rosaries for distribution to various groups within the church community and beyond.
Meets: Thursdays at 12:15 pm.
Please contact: Lillie Petrie at
Rosary – Men’s Rosary Group
Open to adult men (18 years of age or older)
Meets: Thursday at 7:00 pm
Please contact: Randy D’Agostino at
Rosary – Holy Trinity Rosary & Prayer group
Centered on Divine Mercy and St. Gertrude Rosary Prayer, open to all.
Meets: Every Sunday at 2:45 pm
Please contact: Randy D’Agostino at
Rosary – Pilgrim Virgin Rosary Group
The Pilgrim Virgin Statue, which represents Our Lady of Fatima, is hosted weekly. Participants gather to pray the Rosary, offer intentions, and reflect upon the Mysteries of the Rosary. All are welcome.
Meets: Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Please contact: Mary Russo at
Sacred Art Ministry
We are physical beings, and God created us to experience our world and faith through physical sensations, which include our sight. The Sacred Art Ministry is a monthly, discussion-based group, which explores and expands on our appreciation of parish artifacts, Catholic art history and Visio Divina (praying with sacred images).
Meets: 4th Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm
Please contact: Brooke Gibbons at