Hospitality Ministries

At St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, we strive to be a welcoming parish that reflects the heart, mercy and teachings of Christ, the traditions of the Catholic Church, and the spirit of joy manifested by our patron saint, St. Philip Neri. We pray that you find St. Philip Neri Catholic Church a warm, welcoming home and a place where you can deepen your faith and become a special part of faith community. Our Hospitality Ministries offer the gift of welcome, communicating to one and all who enter our doors that we are here to serve – not to be served.

Funeral Reception Ministry

Funeral Reception Ministry: This ministry provides comfort and compassion to the families and friends of deceased parishioners by coordinating light meals and refreshments for receptions after funeral Masses. Volunteers prepare food, layout catered food, set up, serve, and cleanup after receptions. Please contact Rudi Buechlein at

Greeters Ministry

Greeters Ministry: The members of this ministry help to create a warm and welcoming environment before Masses by greeting attendees as they enter the church. Greeters also hand out bulletins, assist in the distribution and collection of worship aids, and direct guests and new members to the welcome desk in the sanctuary gathering space. The ministry has no age limitations and volunteers are welcome. This is a great service opportunities for families. Please contact Diane Manipole at

Hospitality Ministry

Hospitality Ministry: The Hospitality Ministry welcomes parishioners and guests by making and/or serving refreshments after Masses on Hospitality Sunday, which is scheduled monthly. Volunteers also serve other parish events, including the newcomer’s luncheons and parish celebrations. Volunteers are most welcome! Please contact Betsi Bearden at, or Stephanie Adams at

Parish Office Volunteer Ministry

Parish Office Volunteer Ministry: This ministry provides assistance, as needed, in the parish office on weekdays during regular business hours. Responsibilities include greeting and answering general questions for parishioners and guests, answering phones and completion of small office-oriented tasks. Please contact Shelly Yaeger at

Ushers Ministry

Ushers Ministry: This ministry, open to any interested adult or teen parishioner, provides assistance to the congregation during the celebration of the Mass. Ushers seat attendees as necessary, assist with offertory collections, count attendance, and direct traffic flows as guests proceed to Holy Communion. Please contact Joyce Crabtree at

Welcome Desk Ministry

Welcome Desk Ministry: The members of this ministry provide assistance as needed before and after the celebration of weekend Masses. Volunteers with a welcoming spirit sit at the welcome desk in the gathering space to welcome desk in the gathering space to welcome parishioners and guests, share information and answer questions. Please contact Shelly Yaeger at