Getting Involved at St. Philip Neri

St. Philip Neri Church is a service-oriented parish with ministries, groups and organizations for all ages. Our more than 65 ministries, groups and organizations fall into four categories: Hospitality; Formation and Evangelization; Liturgy, Prayer and Worship; Service and Outreach. Whether you are interested is serving those in need in our local community, passing on the Catholic faith, or taking part in the Mass, there is a place for you. To learn more about volunteer opportunities and how to get involved, please contact Shelly Yaeger at 803-548-7282 Ext 229 or

Not sure which ministry, group or organization may be a good fit for you? Start be attending a Living Your Strengths (LYS) Workshop.

LYS is designed to help adults identify and maximize their God-given talents in all aspects of life – personal, professional and spiritual. LYS helps you to shift your focus to start concentrating on doing more of what you are good at doing and using your limited time and energy to apply your unique set of talents to a ministry, group or organization. For additional information on LYS, click on the button below.


Evangelization Ministries

Liturgy, Prayer & Worship

Service & Outreach

Living Your Strengths

St. Philip Neri Italian Festival