Eternal and loving God, we come to you with praise, honor, glory and thanksgiving for over 30 years of worship and service. We celebrate the present day and welcome the promise of a future that continues the mission to which we have been called ~ continuing the ministry of Christ.

Mission Statement

We are a Catholic community united to form a church family dedicated to continuing the ministry of Christ. We will strive to be examples to others through open minds, open hearts and open arms.

Parish History

In October 1992, Fr, John Giuliani, C.O. led a study to determine the feasibility of establishing a Catholic community in the Fort Mill area. In early 1993, 44 families gathered, on faithful hope and prayer, to establish a Mission Church known as the Fort Mill/Tega Cay Catholic Community. Initially, Masses were celebrated Saturday afternoon at Lake Wylie Lutheran Church in Fort Mill. The congregation grew rapidly, with Masses then held in the Fellowship Hall at Philadelphia United Methodist Church.

On January 8th, 1994, Bishop David B. Thompson celebrated Mass and announced that he had accepted the Fort Mill/Tega Cay Catholic Community’s Mission Statement. The Bishop, at that time, also named our community after St. Philip Neri, the founder of the Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri.

As the Parish Grew…

In February 1995, the Parish of St. Philip Neri purchased eight acres of land on Munn Road in Fort Mill for a future church. On September 1, 1997, a groundbreaking was held to celebrate its construction start. Approximately nine months later, during Easter 1998, the first Mass at St. Philip Neri Church was celebrated in the partially-completed Parish Center building. On May 30, 1998, the Parish Center officially opened, with its dedication by Bishop David B. Thompson held several months later.

In April of 2002, a new capital campaign was initiated to raise funds for the Parish’s ongoing construction plan. At the time, there were over 1,000 registered families. In June 2003, St. Philip Neri celebrated its 10th Anniversary. Plans were then made to begin construction of the Ministry Building in early 2004. A “snowfall of the century” on February 28, 2004 caused severe roof damage to the Parish Center, with the Parish unable to use the building until repairs were completed eight months later. In November 2005, the St. Philip Neri congregation launched “The Mission Continues”, a four-year capital campaign designed to raise funds for the construction of a new sanctuary. At that time, the parish had over 1,700 registered families. After years of planning and the plentiful efforts of many devoted parishioners, St. Philip Neri Church dedicated our beautiful sanctuary in May 2013. 

2023, our 30th Anniversary Year . . .

From our very humble beginnings 30 years ago, to now, our church continues to develop a rich heritage with dedicated parishioners who generously offer the gifts of their time, talent and treasure to make St. Philip Neri Church what it is today. We have come this far by faith. Not only do we honor and reflect on the past and its many challenges, we also celebrate the present day and welcome the promise of a future that continues the mission to which we have been called – continuing the ministry of Christ. Today, St Philip Neri Church has over 3,300 registered families, and we continue to grow.

Our Mission Continues . . .

The cross in the sanctuary, through which God’s light shines, represents Christ’s crucifixion and His sacrifice to redeem humanity and grace us with salvation. This cross, as we are reminded, should be an inspiration to all to graciously carry the crosses in our own lives, as well as bear one another’s burdens with the compassion of our Lord. As a faith-filled community, we will joyfully continue the mission to which we have been called.  

Leadership at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church

Since its founding in 1993, St. Philip Neri Catholic Church has been served by priests that belong to The Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri, a pontifical society of apostolic life of Catholic priests and lay-brothers who live together by no formal vows but only with the bond of charity. Saint Philip Neri established this religious community in the 16th century. Members are known as Oratorians and live in Oratory houses throughout the world.

The Rock Hill Oratory is the oldest house in the United States. Oratorians, who use the initials C.O. after their names, carry on Saint Philip Neri’s charism of prayer, reflection on Scripture and work with the laity. They commit their lives to serving the faithful by promoting sacramental life and encouraging the faithful to be leaders in the Church.

St. Philip Neri ~ The Patron Saint of Joy/Apostle of Rome

Over 500 years ago, in AD 1515, a man was born whom the world would come to know as the Apostle of Rome and one of the Church’s funniest saints. What mattered to St. Philip Neri was helping others to discover how virtue and laughter walk hand-in-hand. He delighted every day in the wonderous love of God.

Founder of the Oratory

In order to share his happiness with others and to bear even more convincing witness to the joy of the Gospel, St. Philip Neri accepted ordination as a priest and soon became well-known as an outstanding confessor. Gradually, a number of men seeking holiness of life were attracted by his gladsome way and formed a community around him in which they shared all things in common. Some of these followers eventually joined with him in founding the Oratory, a Clerical Society of Apostolic Life where the traits of common life, common prayer and mutual encouragement of one another in the service of God and neighbor are shared.

Prayer to St. Philip Neri

Here is a short prayer to St. Philip Neri that can help a soul weighed down by the anxieties of the world see the joy of the Gospel in a new way.

O Holy St. Philip Neri, patron saint of joy, you who trusted Scripture’s promise that the Lord is always at hand and that we need not have anxiety about anything, in your compassion heal our worries and sorrows and lift the burdens from our hearts. We come to you as one whose heart swells with abundant love for God and all creation. Hear us, we pray, especially in this need (make your request here). Keep us safe through your loving intercession and may the joy of the Holy Spirit which filled your heart, St. Philip, transform our lives and bring us peace. Amen